Saturday, February 3, 2007

Second Life?

What in the fuck is this??

Second Life

ive read Snow Crash, but somehow it still seems weird hearing about something like this.

"Second Life is one of several virtual worlds that have been inspired by the cyberpunk literary movement, and particularly by Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash. The stated goal of Linden Lab is to create a world like the Metaverse described by Stephenson, a user-defined world of general use in which people can interact, play, do business, and otherwise communicate."

i gotta think about this for a while

in other news, i am almost done my logo for New Media class

the Golden State Warriors logo loses some of its appeal after you stare at it for 10 hours

will post pictures soon

this blog shit is annoying

seems like it could be used better some how

EDIT - as it turns out - this Second Life thing is rumored to be populated by a sex-starved demographic

yet another example of how pornography is advancing technological development

the forefront of multimedia

its so common now, it has become the new wallpaper

the internet hates clothes


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Free Web Presence Available to You











is there more?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

TEL Building Photos

Here is a sample of the photographs taken of the TEL building (i dont even know what the hell TEL stands for) for Multimedia Design class.

The objective was to take shots that would match up wiff some basic design principles.

Taking photos is fun. If the planet wasnt in such evident turmoil, i would consider doing it more often.

Monday, January 29, 2007

RZA: Afro Samurai Soundtrack

Spinning this album for the first time, and it's dope as hell so far.

Free Murder's verses have stood out so far. He kills it.

Nice sounds obviously.

We will see what the lasting appeal is like.

I ain't never seen this show yet.

Labels: , ,


Damn Zorak cracks me up to no end.

That Rubber Cement Shit is Horrible + a Cure for Cancer

Damn yo

Yall can keep that stuff.

I cemented my sketch and it looks like trash now.

Now I just have to slice it up, put the label on the back and submit it tomorrow.

I am going to use that cement stuff rarely.

Call me stupid, but I like to keep a distance from toxic substances

in the meantime:

here is some news about a potential cure for cancer:

Sketch Details + New Media Assignment

Well, as it turns out I used the wrong stuff to mount my sketch yesterday, so I had to by this other shit that gives off fumes something horrible.

So now I have to paste it together this afternoon and chop up another piece of the foam core to be submitted tomorrow.

All good I guess. Also have to attach a form to the back of the piece.

Our New Media assignment is due next week.

We had to find a logo online from the NHL, NBA or NFL and re-create it in vector form on Adobe Illustrator.

I picked the Golden State Warriors logo, but it is looking like the image I chose ain't gonna be big enough.

When I zoom in the pixels look like shit.

I'm gonna polish this one up and see how it looks. Perhaps will do another logo to be submitted next week.

Will post pictures later.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Final Product

I think we are gonna be mounting our sketches in class, but I took a test-run with a photocopy of one of the sketches today.

All-in-all it looks like things turned out ok.

I could be wrong tho.

Took all my photos of the Tel building today for a assignment in Design class on Thursday. Will post more about that later.