Investigative Report #2 - CBS Watching Toronto?
A while back I remember noticing a CBS logo on a bus shelter, and I remember wondering why the hell there would be a CBS logo on a bus shelter in Toronto?
The I remember seeing CBS logos on several bus shelters.
Then I noticed it on subway advertising spaces.
Then I noticed it on billboards.
Man - it's everywhere.
These photos were all taken within a matter of about a hour-and-a-half walking around by foot.
You might not be able to see the logos at first glance in the small images, but if you click to get a larger view, you will see them clear-as-day.
If you live in Toronto, once you see the logo, you will probably notice it absolutely everywhere you go.
I did a basic search on Google to try to figure out what the deal was. As it turns out, there is a company owned by CBS/Mediacom called CBS outdoor which apparently controls all advertising on Toronto public transit (since 1997).
The thing that I find most strange about the CBS logo - and I'm not sure how many people agree - is that it doesn't really look like a gigantic eye at first. I remember seeing the logo as a kid, and for the longest time it just looked like a circle within a circle. But once I caught on that it is a eye - I can't help but wonder if they tried to make it look so unsettling on purpose.
A major American broadcasting network with its logo plastered all over Canada's largest city.
A big eye stuck open.
It sure lends itself to considering some wild shit.
Stick that logo on a pyramid and people would go apeshit.
If you're into that kind of stuff.
I got a ton more photos of CBS logos in Toronto streets and public spaces if anybody outside the city wants to see prevalent they are.
Just let me know.
Labels: Advertising, CBS, Investigative Report, Logo, Toronto