Saturday, October 27, 2007

You know what they say

What doesn't kill you makes you still alive

Non-Disclosure Agreement - unrefined Final Version

Non-Disclosure Agreement

My name is __________________________.

I understand that sensitive or confidential information is information that is not made available for public consumption.

By signing this document, I agree to not disclose any sensitive or confidential information received while a member of the organization or generated while performing duties on behalf of the organization, regarding the organization itself or its clientele.

I acknowledge that the disclosure of such information could negatively impact the economic performance of the company, and therefore understand the reason why an agreement such as this is necessary.

I understand that this document is binding and extends to any individual or party acting on my behalf.

Signed: __________________________

Date: ____________ ____, ______


Non-Compete Agreement - unrefined Final Version

Non-Competition Agreement

My name is __________________________.

By signing this document, I agree to not enter into a circumstance which is in direct or indirect economic competition with ______________ either during the course of employment, or for a period of six (6) months following the termination of employment, unless a subsequent agreement is made to accommodate such a situation.

I understand that this document is binding and extends to any individual or party acting on my behalf.

Signed: __________________________

Date: ____________ ____, ______



Don't diss my clothes - but seriously - i agree not to
disclose any sensitive, valuable or damaging information...

Text editor

I don't know if a cell phone with a numeric key pad can ever be
effective as a text editor


I agree not to directly or indirectly enter into a circumstance which
would directly or indirectly compete with the organization that i an
currently in negotiation to be a part of

Friday, October 26, 2007


By simply - i mean the most difficult thing imaginable - also the
thing we are most naturally designed to do

Ground into the dirt

It seems relentless until a tolerance develops
then it becomes natural as breathing in the context
of super heroes, it is strange to consider that the most heroic feat
is simply enduring

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Evening words

Maybe having such a global reach shouldn't be this accessible.
this cell phone pays more attention to grammar than i do.
as soon as i figure out how to do a line break then ill really be in
the zone. i better keep there messages short and sweet to
avoid any technical malfunctions that lead to disaster.
are lost words really a disaster? ive lost so many of

Mobile version

If this works, who knows what will happen...