Friday, April 6, 2007

Winding Down

5 Major Projects left:

- Audio movie re-dub
- 5-minute film for Video
- Interactivity Presentation
- Skate Deck Assignment
- Skate Tag Assignment

then i have 2 exams

my focus at the end of this semester is to lay out projects like clock work

it is not easy to blend creativity with anything that can be structured or procedural - except with proper planning

the Toy Project was easily the most difficult project of the year and will serve as a great lead-in to polishing off the Board and Deck assignments with ease

today is Good Friday

it is cold as fuck

i am prolly gonna roam the city for a while with a notebook gathering my thoughts and laying the foundation for stomping thru these last few days of school like Godzilla in Tokyo

but more friendly

stay tuned

bare witness


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Monday, April 2, 2007

My Beef with Psychology

As a part of the college experience, I have to take a introductory psychology course.

It is great.

Instructor is a cool guy who gets the point across.

But there is just something wrong with the discipline.
The textbook suggests that there is something wrong with the approach to Psychology as a whole.

A lot of redundancy and needless complication. Which is a shame because the subject matter is of supreme importance to anybody walking on the surface of this planet and existing among other people.

It is unfortunate that we are still at a point in civilization where conveying information is done in such a sterile manner. Textbooks explain things in such a convoluted way that the obvious connections between things is not readily visible.

Take for example right now - we are learning about learning.
Pavlov's dog - conditioned stimulus - unconditioned stimulus - conditioned and unconditioned responses.

A few weeks ago we were learning about memory and how the memory structure works.

Broken down to their base components - the memory system and learning system are the exact same thing.

There is a principle called habituation which is common to both. Habituation suggests that the more often something is repeated, the less likely you are to notice the details.

You REMEMBER that it is not necessary to pay attention to the details, because you LEARNED that the details are not of imminent importance.

When you take it a step further and keep the physical structures in mind (the brain and the process of perception), it becomes even more obvious that the entire process is so fluid and intricately linked that to even give one part of the process a title is to form a inaccurate separation.

That there is a long-term storage in the brain - that the most dependable type of memory is episodic memory - those memories formed by doing something - suggests that learning occurs when people are participating in actions.

These processes are actual. They cannot be accurately conveyed in a textbook - they can hardly be communicated right now in this blog.

Learning and memory are not 2 different topics.

They are as inter-related as digestion and the digestive system.

Memory is required to learn - learning is the resulted of being able to formulate a memory structure.

Learning perpetuates itself.
We learn what to and what not to remember.

I am going to have to formulate some sort of diagram of the perception/memory structure.

I swear to god i can condense this entire textbook into a series of 4 or 5 diagrams.

or maybe i am full of shit

maybe i will work on this right this minute

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i hate hearing about this kind of shit

murder suicide by a stalker


the worst thing other than oppression is senseless destruction

which is a form of oppression anyway i guess


The Toy Box Disaster

well - at least the figures are somewhat photogenic

and surprisingly good at what they were designed to do - which was hold things

the paint job is still kind of trashy as you can prolly tell

but all in all - the characters seem to have some personality

cant complain too much

actually - i could

its just not my style

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Sunday, April 1, 2007

2 More Board designs

damn this is relaxing

another sketch with dominant text

something a little more gentle


maybe somebody slipped estrogen into my diet coke

the colors in crayons are dope

but the detail aint always the best

i have something against sharpening

ill have to delve into my psyche and figure that shit out

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Board Project: The First Post

to all my loyal readers:

you can stop sending the e-mails - i am fine - nothing bad has happened

yes - there will be some final entries regarding the Toy Project

this week been wild busy

the toy box turned out to be a disaster

but the project on the whole was a good learning lesson

anyway - here are some preliminary designs for the Board Project (where we will be designing a skateboard):

as you might be able to tell - fonts will factor significantly in my design

a bold claim - much like the giraffe ad i did earlier

thats the steelo

penmanship reigns supreme

more designs later

and yes - that is crayon

takin it old school on yall

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