Saturday, February 10, 2007

low rumble

a low rumble
or maybe a distant sound that isnt so much a sound as it is a tangible vibration that you can feel in your bones

like something just below earthquake status

you cant tell if you feel it or hear it

probably both

if you look hard enough, you think you can see it

but you dont know if its just you tricking yourself or if there is really something there

you arent tricking yourself

there really is something there

as the noose tightens, the intensity of the rumble increases

it becomes more evident and can only be ignored by moderate-to-heavy doses of refined sugar, caffeine, or stronger substances

if you ingest these substances, you can get yourself to pretend that the rumble isnt there for a while

you can ignore it

but the same way a merry-go-round ends, the high ends

and you come back to wondering what the fuck that thing is in the distance

relentless like anything naturally big

taking swings at it is like trying to knock down a mountain with a axe

part of you wants to call it nightmare
but you take a look around you and the other part of you wants to call it anti-nightmare

that low rumble


possibly dark
but not dark like night

dark like mud

the thing that makes things rot and loves rotten things

its alive but it takes life

not because it has malice
but just because thats the way it moves

like a big bird that takes out little birds just by flapping its wings

you put up a great struggle and in hindsight, it will be seen as having been a valiant effort

nitro fuel and aspartame
using salt to preserve for a later date so you dont have to constantly move around

all the plastic really did seem like a good idea at the time

so you can stay stationary and try to figure out what exactly it is you got yourself involved in

preliminary lab results indicate: no harm - no foul

long-term effects: suffocation

the baby gets pushed along the street in the stroller so its nostrils are at exhaust-pipe level

it grows up to be easily led in the wrong direction

that thing rumbling in the distance learns to develop a taste for all things
until its so obvious that even a 6 cups of coffee cant get you motivated to focus on your business
snorting coke off a strippers titties cant get you hard

everything so imminent that even suicide seems redundant because you arent sure if you died already

its distressing until its hilarious
its hilarious until it is unfortunate
its unfortunate until it can be appreciated

once appreciated you look down and you are riding a low rumble

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Watercolor Update

Here is a update on the watercolor painting of the intersection for sketching class.

Working with watercolors is nice, but trying to pay attention to detail with them is a pain in the ass.

When this picture is as complete as i can make it, im gonna scan it and post it one more time, and then i am going to fuck around with it and blur it to see what will happen.

Hopefully it will come out with some sort of surreal/whimsy feel to it.

It really kind of helps to hammer home the difference between natural and man-made shit.

All these straight lines and rectangles just arent right.

Drawing a natural landscape with watercolors always seems to turn out looking fresh and proper.

After i was done working on the intersection for today, i tried messing around with technique and painted a tree.
so dam easy

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The Fruitopia Revolution

Today in Design class we had to work in groups and come up wiff a ad for a Coca Cola product.

the group i was in handled business proper and we came up wiff something pretty dope:

i dont even like fruitopia

be careful of those fruit juices boys and girls

aint nothing beats the real thing

but still

the main point is how fresh that ad is

if you dont see that the brilliance of the ad, you may need to change your perception


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A Great Moment in Literary History

In the Utopia course I am taking right now, we are currently looking at the novel We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

This book is widely held to be the great-grandpa of dystopic literature.

In the past, I have expressed my general disdain for literature at this point in my life - especially the novel format.

But damn.

When a book like this comes to my attention, it almost makes me think that the literary world isnt a redundantly luxuriant, self-satisfying waste (O NO - LONG WORDS - i had to look each one of those words up that i just put there).

This book is dope as hell.

Absurd, comedic, insightful, written in short segments (so its easy to digest).

equal parts whimsical and harsh

there is a lot of positive adjectives which could be put to use in this situation.

The main point I want to draw attention to right now, is a section from Record 21, which is on page 119 in the version I am reading:

That whole night I heard wings of some kind, and I walked about trying to protect my head with my arms from those wings. Then there was a chair, but not like one of our chairs now - this one was old-fashioned, made of wood. And I'm moving my legs like a horse (right foreleg and left hind leg, left foreleg and right hind leg). Then the chair runs right up to my bed and jumps in. And I make love to the wooden chair. It was uncomfortable. It hurt.
now - you can read into the metaphor all you want
but it is a remarkable moment in literature when a man can have a intimate encounter with a chair

so brilliantly absurd

it makes me feel not so bad about the sensations i get when i am in the fruit section at the grocery store

if you ever come across the book, take a look at it

it has pull

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Multimedia Design assignment

Today's assignment for Multimedia Design class was to do some sketches.3 3 x 3" squares
select a object
sketch it so 3 points are touching the border
then crop it in the other 2 panels

i chose scissors because i am the apex when it comes to creativity and imagination (scissors was actually one of the options listed on the assignment sheet).
Next task was to draw a 5 x 5" square and take a segment of the first task and draw it repetitively and precisely.

I was not too successful at precision.

If you can't tell what that design is, its from the round part of the handle on the scissors.

It came out as a wavy pattern.

The last task was to select a bunch of items and arrange them in a manner where they fill up the 6 x 6" panel.
In this picture you will see:
- extension cords
- tacs
- glue stick
- slice of pineapple
- container of lead refills
- screw driver
- fork
- x-acto knife blade
- headphones

plus a assortment of subliminal messages designed to help you relax

you know how i do

eventually when i post up my work, i am gonna see if i can figure out how to connect it to something else and make it pertinent

(that was just a note-to-self - you can ignore it)

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Warriors Logo - final version

Today is Wednesday.

I guess it's Thursday now.

Yesterday I submitted the Golden State Warriors logo that I worked on for New Media class.

Here are pictures:

The untrained eye might not be able to tell, but the mounting job that I did was absolute shit.

I can't bring myself to use that rubber cement garbage so I went old school and used a glue stick.

Ain't no way that's gonna get by the instructor, but I'll take my risks.

I can't stand the fumes.

On the positive note, the logo turned out pretty dope, even tho it took me way too long.

I restarted a couple times.

But it seems like it was worth it because I can make my way around Adobe Illustrator pretty handily now, and the logo really did turn out sharp.

The printed version didn't catch the gradient in the lettering, but still, I was pleasantly surprised.

If I had to re-do it, I might spend a little more time on the lettering.

Next up for this class:
we gotta transform the logo 6 different ways in Adobe Photoshop

each way we transform it should have a general theme

i got some ideas up my sleeve already

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I forgot to scan my sketch of the intersection before i started painting it.

Anywho - here is the sketch (above) with some preliminary painting done.

I painted the sky and the street and a couple poles.

Below are the watercolors we did in class of some toy bug monster the instructor brought in:
When the instructor came around, he said something to the effect of 'Oh, you drew the monster in a garden'. In actuality, those things at the bottom are people running in terror. The pink backdrop is the color of the sky on the alien planet, and those blue things in the air are UFO's.


The above picture is the dragon bug robot monster from a different angle.

This time he is in a wooded area stomping all over trees.

It was kind of strange painting in class.

I dont think I painted in a class room in over 20 years.

I dont think I painted in over 20 years.

It was pretty damn fun.

Now if I could find a good woman to support my painting career I'd be set.

Maybe a lawyer or accountant type.

Or Macy Gray.

Damn she's hella fine.

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Sunday, February 4, 2007

Assignments Recaps and the Super Bowl

This was the final product for the assignment that was due last week:

For this week in Sketching class, we had to bring a sketch of a intersection (using the 3d-sketching tips learned last week).

I took these photos of Keele and Wilson (SW corner) on Tuesday morning.

I will post the sketches up after they are done.

Apparently we will be applying watercolor to the sketches.

All in the name of creativity.

The Super Bowl™ was a decent game.
I picked the Bears to win (23-14).
The weather was horrible.
It was a surprisingly sloppy game.

My attention span for the NFL drifted away around week 15, so I wasnt too interested in the game today.

Its all about multimedia right now.

school school school

i phones
and interactivity

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